I mean I write...of course I do. Scribbling phone numbers on the back of receipts, filling in obligatory forms...shopping lists. Not that I imagine that this makes some kind of writing maven (ha!). But I wrote something down (old fashioned pen and paper ma'am), put a lot of thought into it and published it for others to see. I had this weird feeling letting my words out into the ether. Almost like this limitless potential, coupled with a deep, cringing belief that everyone was pointing and laughing at me. It was dichotomous (great word!!! see what a fancy writing maven I am!).
And then I waited....for the praise or ridicule to come raining down (fire and brimstones anyone?). But it never happened...In fact nothing much happened. Well that isn't true. I met some very kind authors who said encouraging things....but my writing didn't light the world on fire. It didn't even fizzle if I am being perfectly honest (insert self deprecating giggle here).
But....and I think this is the most important thing....it was OK. Actually a little bit of me wasn't OK...I think I was secretly hoping my foray into writing would bring international acclaim (ha!). But the other 95% was actually feeling good. I ripped off the bandaid, I put myself out there and experienced what I assume the usual road to getting published looked like....waiting for someone else to "get you" and feel your vibe (too earthy/hippie??) and feeling vaguely uncomfortable about it (although I hear its often more than uncomfortable). Although my writing didnt win any prizes I was welcomed into a lovely little community of other writers of KidLit which has been wonderful. It was a gently entry into this very new world.
So the writing challenge I entered was #50preciouswords hosted by the delightful @vivankirkfield There were over 200 entrants, and 20 amazing prizes!!!
The purpose of the challenge was to get writers to really focus on their use of language and create a story using only 50 words (total words, not number of unique words).My entry was to challenge myself to write something only using onomatopoeia...It is the story of the early morning ambush many parents experience when their little one wakes early and tries to sneak into their bed!
Rise and Shine Little One
Shine, peep...
Shiver, chatter, brrr...
Clatter, creak...
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter...
Tiptoe, gallop, dash...
Peep, tap, jump, thump...
Mumble, grumble...
Giggle. laugh...
Rustle, snuggle...
So there you go. My very short first foray into writing for the public!! So there you go, like a bandaid.
Until next time