I am a Registered Psychologist. Its my day job (when I say that, its almost like I am inferring I fight crime in evenings or something more exciting than wrestling a toddler into her bath and pyjamas). I truly love what I do and without tooting my own horn I do have a lot of experience across a broad range of subjects, mental health presentations and modalities (toot toot). So recently some opportunities have come my way to contribute to newspaper articles as a subject matter expert, or expert source I felt a bit weird!! (And yes if you were wondering, weird is the technical term for it lol).
It was "Imposter Syndrome" rearing its head. Something I haven't really experienced since the heady days straight out of Uni...shiny degree in hand, naivety waving like a flag for all to see. Although I know my stuff (and I certainly wouldn't be putting myself forward for something outside the scope of my experience/skills) I was almost waiting for someone to shout out...."Halt the presses!!! This woman is a fraud!". I'm not even sure if you can halt the presses for online publications? But no-one did. Of course no-one did....I'm a professional and I know what I am talking about....but it was the exposure and vulnerability of it all that had me second guessing myself.
I'm imagining that this is what it will feel like when my picture books are published (not anything official, I just like to speak with intention). Exposing my heart and soul to the world for examination and possible criticism. Gee for a psychologist who knows how to manage anxiety and negative thought patterns I sound a wee bit sensitive. But I am actually ok with that. I have come to realise that I worry and fret about how my writing (and me) are received because I care so much about what I write about. I am passionate about mental health, relationships and everyone having the opportunity to live a life that is fulfilling for them. This is also what drives my children's books that I write.
So without any more waffling....here are the links to the articles I was featured in recently (should you wish to read them). One on dating after divorce and the other about why millennials are waiting longer to have sex. In case you were wondering, I practice under my maiden name (nee Hard). A little removed from my usual topics on this blog.