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Driven to Write Children's Picture Books

Writer: RachelRachel

Updated: Mar 17, 2018

Why on earth would any sane person, with a great career, a second job, a husband, a small child, two dogs, who is still studying suddenly decide that they also need to write children's picture books? This is my journey!

Have you ever had one of those lightbulb moments? Where some grand notion suddenly struck you? And you could not think or focus on anything else until you had taken action...

...Well this was a little like that.....except it wasn't, at all. Instead of a lightbulb, think about a sport stadium lit up, or one of those lighting stores that is so bright you have to shield your eyes as you walk past. It was a little more like that.

I have enough on my plate, far too much on my plate if I am being honest. People make snidey comments about putting others (them!!!!) to shame with all my over achieving. I have a full time job as a Psychologist, I work a second job at my University....where I am also undertaking my PhD, I have a husband, a very lively (read busy and mischievous), one year old, two boxer dogs, a house to upkeep (who am I kidding lol) and some kind of social life (sporadic....but in existence). I didn't need anything else to fill my mind or take up more of my time.

Then suddenly, without warning, I had a children's book pop into my head, in fact a whole series of them did. They needed to be written down, it was a compulsion, I couldn't stop until it was all out. A bit like a feel much better once its all out (yes I just compared my writing to vomit!).

So you may think this is an idea I have had percolating in my head, carefully considering and researching ideas for children's books or after months and years of seeking inspiration, something finally took hold....well yes....and no (I am aware I am a commitment-phobe, and probably maddeningly so). As a Psychologist I have worked with children for many years and have often written short, personalised stories that were therapeutic in nature to help them through a particular issue. I love the idea of using narrative (bibliotherapy if one wishes to use the technical term) to explore difficult topics or normalise certain issues. Imagination and stories being used to gently raise discussion between parents and children...beautiful!!! But this isn't my daily work any there was no real impetus behind this drive....except that the books and the stories within needed to be heard.

So here I am...and here we are together (for those of you reading along at home, or on the bus...wherever really if you have wifi...and who doesn't these days??). This blog is my way of trying to make sense of this sudden compulsion to write and documenting my inspiration, triumphs and set backs.

Rachel Tomlinson Writes



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